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In association with Notable Pictures, Rod has written the score to ‘In the Name of the Pharaoh’, ‘Hit’ and is currently scoring ‘The Folly of the Wise’.

He has also written Film trailers for ‘Prince of Denmark’, ‘Haunted’ and Mike Leigh’s ‘Tickets’.


Tree of Tears - Notable Pictures
A new short film from Director David Hoser, starring well-known German actress Jenny Jügens. 'When a daughter's attempt to seek closure is thwarted by the death of her mother, she turns on her father, who reluctantly reveals a long buried secret'. Rod wrote a stirring and moving score for French Horn & Cello with a beautiful, haunting Choral piece for the end credits.
Hit - Notable Pictures
'A seasoned Hitman gets a job from a mystery woman. When he discovers who the 'Hit' is; he has to make a decision which is not as straightforward as it seems'. Rod composed a quirky jazz sound track that gave the movie an extra edge.

Folly of the Wise- Notable Pictures
'Josephine Marie is left the diaries and photograph albums of her Great-grandmother which lead her on a journey to rediscover her own fragile, emotional world'. The film is set in different eras and there is a variety of musical styles to fit, from baroque to pop.

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